ORPC Schedule

Event TIme Details

6:50 AM


11:30 AM

Location: Tent by Para Building

Check-In Deadline

  • 8:15 AM for knock-out races
  • 9:15 AM for 10:00 AM races
  • 11:30 AM for 12:30 PM races (if you did not check-in already for the morning races)  

Pre-Race Briefing

8:15 AM


8:30 AM

Pre-race information for all participants (afternoon race briefing also @12:00)

100M Knockout Race

8:30 AM


9:30 AM

Knock out for singles and doubles. Note that there are no medals for knock out race - just glory and bragging rights!

Long Distance Race (All boat classes incl OC6 AM Heat)

10:00 AM 

Heats will start in three waves at 2 min intervals:

  1. SUP, prone, rec boats
  2. Surfskis, OC1, OC2
  3. OC6 AM heat, OC4 AM heat

***12 km, 8km and 4km race***


11:30 AM


2:00 PM

  • 1st Wave: 11:30 
  • 2nd Wave Apprx 2:00 PM once 1:00PM races finish
Pre-Race Briefing

12:00 PM


12:15 PM

Pre-race information for all participants

OC6, OC4 PM, Select Boat Race

1:00 PM

12km start OC6 PM heat, OC4 PM heat + random singles and doubles**

if you race a single/double boat and you are racing OC6 in the morning, you will race your single/double boat at 1:00 PM.

Awards! 2:30 to 3:00 Medals ceremony - draw prizes (must be in attendance to win a draw prize)


Weather delays

  • We will do our best to run the day as per schedule. If there is bad weather we will delay races up to two hours to accommodate racing on the day of the races. If there is unsafe weather we will cancel applicable races and participates are welcome to stop by to pick up their race jersey and lunch but unfortunately there can be no rain date, or refunds.